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Will Rivera - 27:00:56

Bob Hearn - 27:01:08

Jon Olsen - 27:28:34

Matt Collins - 32:11:47

George Myers - 33:02:47

Olaf Wasternack - 33:05:15

Elaine Stypula - 33:30:18

Otto Lam - 34:34:42

John Fegyveresi- 35:32:00

Thomas Jackson - 35:34:18

Andrei Nana - 35:34:13

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

Eric Spencer # 31

Badwater 135m

Rio Del Lago 100m

Grindstone 100m

Pistol Ultra 100m

Jevelina Jundred 100m

Leadville 100m

Bartram 100m

Across the Years 24H

Lean Horse 100m

Andrei Nana # 32

Finisher of 30+ Races of 

100+ miles or 24+H

(5x) Spartathlon 246k

Vol State 500k

UltraBalaton 212k

LOST 118m

24h de Brive

Endurance 24H

Merrill's Mile 48H

Elaine Stypula # 45

Finisher of 40+ Races of 

100+ miles

Vol State 500km

Badwater 135m

Brazil 135m


San Diego 100m

Old Dominion 100m

Icarus Ultra 24H

Alex Anyse # 108

Jackpoint Ultra 100m

Brazos Bend 100m

Across the Years 24h

Jevelina Jundred 100km

Otto Lam # 121

Finisher of 30+ Races of

 100+ miles

Zion 100m

Old Dominion 100m

TGNY 100m

Massanutten 100m

Badwater 135m

Wasatch 100m

Western States 100m

William Corley # 124

Icarus Ultra 24H

Badwater 135m

Keys 100m

Pumpkim Holler 100m

Jevelina Jundred 100m

Leadville 100m

Woodstock 100m

Wild Sebastian 100m

Jon Olsen # 125

Finisher of 25+ Races of 

100+ miles

IAU 24H WC Belfast

IAU 24H WC Steenbergen

Soochow/Taipei 24H


Tahoe Midnight 72H

Western States 100m

Rio Del Lago 100m

Will Rivera # 144

Spartathlon 246km

Badwater 135m

Keys 100m

Tunnel Hill 100m

Umstead 100m

Pistol 100m

Javelina Jundred 100m

Crewel Jewel 100m

Mohican 100m

John Fegyveresi # 145

Finisher of 25+ Races of 100+ miles

3 Days at the Fair 72H

Vermont 100m

Leadville 100m

Oil Creek 100m

Badwater 135m

Barkley 100m

Massanutten 100m

George Myers # 170

Honey Badger 100m

Keys 100m

Heartland 100m

Badwater 135m

Daytona 100m

Olaf Wasternack # 213

Tunnel Hill 100m

Run4Water 24H

NorthCoast 24H

Pinhoti 100m

Matt Collins # 236

Finisher of 10+ Races of

100+ miles

Vol State 500km

HURT 100m

Pistol 100m

Zion 100m

Silverheels 100m

Brazos Bend 100m

TGNY 100m

Bob Hearn # 311

Finisher of 20+ Races of 

100+ miles

(2x) Spartathlon 246km

EMU 144H

Badwater 135

Western States 100m

World - Belfast 24H

Desert Solstice 24H

Run4Water 24H

Thomas Jackson # 359

Finisher of 30+ Races of 

100+ miles


Pulse Endurance 48H

Fat Dog 120m

Western States 100m

Bear 100m

Pigtails Challenge 150m

Wasatch 100m

Dean Karnazes # 375

Finisher of 30+ Races of

100+ miles

Spartathlon 246km

Western States 100m

Badwater 135m

UTMB 100m

Leadville 100m

Vermont 100m

Wasatch 100m

Athletes living in the US and running for other countries (not officially part of the U.S. Spartathlon Team)

190 - Franco Soriano - Philippines

333 - Sung Ho Choi - Korea

351 - Behnam Kamrani - Iran

LIVE Tracking

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes

2018 U.S. Spartathlon Team

31 - Eric Spencer

32 - Andrei Nana

45 - Elaine Stypula

108 - Alex Anyse

121 - Otto Lam

124 - William Corley

125 - Jon Olsen

144 - Will Rivera

145 - John Fegyveresi

170 - George Myers

213 - Olaf Wasternack

236 - Matt Collins

311 - Bob Hearn

359 - Thomas Jackson

375 - Dean Karnazes